The Parana River basin

The Paraná, the second-longest river in South-America, flows south from south-east Brazil through Paraguay and Argentina. It merges with the Paraguay and Uruguay rivers to form the Río de la Plata Basin.

Our work in the Parana is done in partnership with Prof. G. Marques (UFRGS, Brazil) and involves the following themes: Assessing the benefits of coordination in large multireservoir systems; Developing innovative policies to facilitate the implementation of environmental flow programs in hydropower-dominated river basins; Determining reservoir operating policies that maximize fisheries productivity while minimizing foregone hydropower benefits. Funding comes from CNPq and IAI (Inter-American Institute for Global Change Research).

The Parana River


  1. Dalcin A.P., G. Marques, A. Tilmant and M. Olivares, 2023. Dynamic Adaptive Environmental Flows (DAE-flows) to reconcile long-term ecosystem demands with hydropower objectives. To appear in Water Resources Research
  2. Dalcin A.P., J. Breda, G. Marques, A. Tilmant, R. de Paiva and P. Kubota, 2023. The Role of Reservoir Reoperation to Mitigate Climate Change Impacts on Hydropower and Environmental Water Demands. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. DOI: 10.1061/JWRMD5.WRENG-5810
  3. Dalcin A. P., G. Marques G., A.G. de Oliveira and A. Tilmant, 2022. Identifying Functional Flow Regimes and Fish Response for Multiple Reservoir Operating Solutions. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0001567
  4. Marques G. and A. Tilmant, 2018. Cost Distribution of Environmental Flow Demands in a Large-Scale Multireservoir System. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 144(6). DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000936
  5. Marques G. and A. Tilmant, 2013.  The Economic Value of Coordination in Large Scale Multireservoir Systems: the Parana River case. Water Resources Research. 49, doi:10.1002/2013WR013679     
Parana river near Porto Primavera Dam